Between the Lines of Tennis, Life and Work

Capital Energy founder, Ted Butler, is a big tennis fan and an avid (albeit recreational!) player. It is US Open season, and he had some thoughts to serve up as they relate to start-ups in climate tech. 

Roger Federer is one of the greats in professional sports, there is no doubt about that. His speech in front of 1,000+ Dartmouth grads this past spring was so applicable to tennis, life, and just about any start-up company out there putting in the hours, sweating the details, failing, and getting up again and finding another way. Over and over again. 

As Roger says in his speech, “negative energy is wasted energy.” We couldn’t agree more. At Capital Energy, we focus on the successes, learn from the challenges, and create a path that our clients can use to propel themselves to that next level in their business. Game on. 

We can’t help but see the parallels in the start-up world. Anyone can have an idea. You might get it patented. You may even get funding and some customers. But those who continue cultivating that idea, going after new markets, seeking additional funding, and then doing it again and again are the ones that become the greats in their industries. 

It’s what separates the champions from the amateurs, the start-ups to the established companies of the world. 

And Roger didn’t do it alone. He had coaches, nutritionists, physical trainers, and experts to guide him along the way. 

Consider Capital Energy your partner on the business ‘court’ – setting you up for success, going after big shots, and supporting you through every proverbial game, set, match. 

Contact us today.

Bonus! Roger just came out with his new book, Federer, sure to be a ‘great’ on the bookshelves. 


A Driving Force Behind Decarbonization in Trucking


Taunton's future Clean Energy Community Resiliency Hub ("The Loft")